Negar & Nima

Friday, November 06, 2009

Five years of marriage!

Today marks our five year anniversary.

It's been a wonderful and loving journey up until now. Sometimes joyful, sometimes hard... but most of all trying to continually help each other to serve humanity in more effective ways.

A lot has happened since the day we got married.

To sum it all up ...

-got married in Nottingham, England
-went back to Haifa, Isreal to finish our term of service
-after 9 months brought Nima back to Canada with me
-did my Montessori teacher training program
-Nima ultimately found work at a really great company called Prollenium
-lived with my parents for two years
-moved into our own house in Newmarket, Ontario
-have lived in our house for over two years and serving along side our wonderful Baha'i community in Newmarket
-worked as a teacher at Montessori for Children for two years
-currently working for the Department of External Affairs at the Baha'i National Centre of Canada

Many of our friends and family might be wondering why we don't have children yet. To be honest, we've been trying for over two years and have recently found out that we have some fertility issues that we need to deal with. This is what we are currently going through... so please keep us in your prayers. What we are trying to learn from all of this is what detachment means for us and how we can truly submit our will to the Will of God. Some might be surprised as to why I'm sharing such private information over the internet. Well the reality is that many couples are going through this. At least in Canada, the statistics are 1 out of every 6 couples. That is not a joke!! I've seen many of these people with my own eyes. And if this entry might help another couple feel less alone in this process than my intention has been fulfilled.